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International Association for
Anthroposophic Body Therapies

Spacial Dynamics®

2019 Spacial Dynamics® has been recognised as Anthroposophic Body Therapy by the Medical Section of the School of Spiritual Science at the Goetheanum, Dornach, Switzerland.

Historical Context

Spacial Dynamics® was founded in 1985 by Jaimen McMillan after almost twenty years of intensive study of different movement directions and their application in therapy and teaching. "Spacial" is the English adjective for "space". This word contains the aspiration of this new movement discipline: exploring the dynamics between human beings and space. Space-oriented movement exercises, games and a refined method of movement study emerged, which was given the trademarked name "Spacial Dynamics®".

Basics of the method

Spacial Dynamics® is a movement therapy that treats the moving human being as a flowing continuum of body, space and consciousness. Spacial Dynamics® establishes a healthy dynamic between the body and surrounding spaces through slow motion exercises and hands-on techniques characterised by rhythms of curved shapes such as spirals, lemniscates, whirls, and spheres. SD evolves from assisted muscle mapping to self-directed dynamic habit redesign.

One of the fundamental principles of Spacial Dynamics® is that what you see as movement in space is not what you have to do to create it. A simple example of this is a simple jump in the air. What you see is a person jumping high in the air. In order for that person to jump into the air, they have to push down. It is the downward push that creates the upward movement; the downward movement is the hidden dynamic behind the visible movement. Spacial Dynamics® works to uncover, understand and apply the hidden dynamics behind movement to bring harmony and effectiveness to that movement. The contribution of Spacial Dynamics® to movement research is the refinement of spatial observation of differentiated and animate space.

Every movement becomes easier and more coherent when it is started in the surrounding space. Every area of the body has its very own movement gestures, every developmental step, every relationship to others, every illness contains spatial movement patterns that are based on lawful principles. 
These must harmonise to create a healthy whole. One can learn to perceive these gestures and patterns. By practising to consciously shape the relationship between the body and the personal environment, posture, gestures and movement patterns change. New "free spaces" emerge that lead to healthier personal and interpersonal dynamics. Spacial Dynamics® thus helps to live with increasing presence and enthusiasm.

For example, in the context of a Spacial Dynamics® therapy, a patient is usually led to understanding, imitation and self-initiated actions through hands-on techniques (dynamic movement sequences through touch on the body) in order to be able to take steadily increasing responsibility for their own health.

Spacial Dynamics® is a continuously evolving form of movement. Researchers in this field are constantly searching for the influence that certain spatial conditions have on a specific activity.

Spacial Dynamics® values Rudolf Steiner's science of anthroposophy as a source of inspiration and explanation for the educational and therapeutic effectiveness of Spacial Dynamics®.

Fields of work

Spacial Dynamics® is used worldwide in therapy, education, sports, art, peace work, business management, personal development, and many more.

The current fields of application are as diverse as the educational background and interests of the graduates of Spacial Dynamics®

The current areas of application are as varied as the previous education and interests of the graduates of the Spacial Dynamics® training: in human medicine, chiropractic, in movement therapy, sports, physiotherapy and massage, in psychological counselling, in psychiatry, in pregnancy gymnastics, in work with the elderly and the dying, in education, curative education, remedial teaching, furthermore as a means of self-development in music, drama, pantomime, architecture, eurythmy, in social work, in peace work (Hands in Peace), as well as in the development of computer programmes, in business counselling and to reduce the risk of injury in companies.

Interdisciplinary work

We have many years of experience in working with doctors, therapists and nurses in various fields such as human medicine, psychiatry, chiropractic, physiotherapy and massage, in psychological counselling, pregnancy gymnastics, in work with the elderly and with the dying.

Further training 

In Europe there are training opportunities in Ludwigsburg (Germany), in Venice (Italy), in Budapest (Hungary) and in Romania.

Forms of organisation 

The Spacial Dynamics® Institute is an international training organisation and has its worldwide headquarters in Saratoga County, New York State, (Spacial Dynamics® Institute, Mechanicvill (Upstate NY).

Europe: Spacial Dynamics® German Association (based in Renningen, Germany).

  • Switzerland: Spacial Dynamics® National Association Switzerland
  • France: Formation Spacial Dynamics®, France
  • Italy: Spacial Dynamics® Italia (Venice)
  • Germany: Spacial Dynamics® Germany


The fourfold Path to Healing (Jaimen McMillan, Sally Fallon and Thomas S. Cowan)