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International Association for
Anthroposophic Body Therapies

Method recognition
January 2022

Occasonally the Medical Section of the School of Sprirtual Science is approached with the need to recognise a therapeutic medthod.
In January 2021 the IKAM recognition procedure was adopted by the International Coordination of Anthroposophic Medicine (IKAM). This provides for an overriding examination procedure, which is explained below:

  1. How do we define "therapeutic method" in Anthroposophic Medicine?
  2. What does "recognition as a therapeutic method of Anthroposophic Medicine" mean?
  3. What steps lead to recognition?
  4. Composition of the recognition committtee
  5. Fees
  6. Loss of recognition
  7. Catalogue of criteria

1. How do we define "therapeutic medthod" in Anthroposophic Medicine?

By a therapeutic method we understand a way practised within a professional group of specialist discipline to achieve a defined therapeutic goal. Within a method, certain procedures are applied. Therapeutic methods are recognised within the professional group/specialist discipline, procedures are established within a method.

2. What does "recognition as a therapeutic method of Anthroposophic Medicine" mean?

  • Recognition is literally the appreciate legitimisation of a therapeutic method on the part of the Medical Section. It confirms the sufficient fulfilment of defined criteria, which are complied in a catalogue of criteria. It does not contain a final effectiveness test.
  • Recognition means acceptance into the Medical Section´s working group and it´s working structures.
  • Recognition entitles and obliges the holder to participate regularly in the expert committees of the respective profesional field.
  • The recognition of a therapeutic method shall be confirmed to the applicant in writing and shall be without time limit.
  • The recognition can be revoked if the basis of the recognition is no longer applicable.

3. What steps lead to recognition?

  • Applications for recognition of a therapeutic method must be submitted to the recognition committee of the Medical Section: info@medsektion-goetheanum.LÖ
  • First of all, it is clarified which professional group the method would like to join. Affliation is only possible if the (professional) rules in force within the professional group allow it or if appropriate measures have been initiated.
  • The applicant is accompanied by the respective doordinator during the processing of the IKAM criteria cataloguw for method recognition.
  • The recognition committee recommends recognition to the IKAM Conference
    • with/without conditions
    • without/with recommendations
  • The recognition is carried out by the IKAM Conference

4. Composition of the Recognition Committee

The Recognition Committee consists of

  • the section leader with one vote
  • the IKAM Coordinator to whom the method has been assigned. The coordinator has no vote in the Recognition Committee
  • Two members elected by and from the IKAM circle, each with ine vote

The Recognition Committee shall act in accordance with it´s Rules of Procedure.

5. Fees

The Medical Section charges a fee for the recognition procedure.
This fee shall be due before the application is processed and shall be charged irrespective of the actual recognition.

6. Loss of recognition

A method may lose recognition by the Medical Section if it no longer fulfils the criteria described iin the recognition procedure, if it no longer cooperates with the Medical Section´s committees or if the representatives of the method damage the reputation of Anthroposophic Medicine.

7. Catalogue of criteria

The catalogue of criteria can be requested from the Medical Section office and will be handed out after the initial orientation meeting.

pdf Methodenanerkennung durch die Medizinische Sektion